Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Economic Season Is About to Drastically Change

I’m not one for panic. Having said that, it’s obvious we have been living in ignorant bliss.

The real economic disaster hasn’t begun yet. In America the $600 extra a week that those who are unemployed receive is about to end. Those who have mortgages on their home backed by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae can get 6 months of forbearance if they have been impacted by the health crisis. But this support from the banks, too, is coming to an end.

In Australia, where I’m from, the pause we have on mortgage payments ends in 90 days, hence this advice from financial expert, The Barefoot Investor, who is perhaps the most calm, conservative, optimistic, nicest guy you’ll ever meet.

Right now we’re in the early stages of reopening the economy, and we’re riding a wave of optimism after being locked down for so long.
But just remember that for many people things will change in September. That’s when the economic season changes and we’ll find ourselves smack bang in the deepest recession in living memory.
What does that mean for you?
It means you have 90 days (at the most).
You need to cobble together a plan that gets you on the front foot. It’s time to reinvent yourself. It’s time to radically cut your costs. It’s time to have a hard conversation with your bank. It’s time to sell something, or many things. Do whatever it takes.
The time to act is right now, while the milk of human kindness is still flowing.

 What matters right now is that you don’t panic, but prepare. Many people are living in ignorance and not understanding what is about to happen. It doesn’t take an expert to understand.
There is 90 days to change your behavior, get yourself together, and face the changing economic situation. It’s going to be hard — we’ve faced far worse before. Here’s what you can do in the next 90 days to deal with what is about to happen.

Get a plan together

If you were to lose your job, how long could you survive?
If you had to take a significant pay cut, how would that look?
If you got sick, what’s your backup plan?
These questions can help you prepare so that when the storm comes, you don’t need to panic and you can ride it out in style — and hopefully help others, too.

It’s time to reinvent yourself

The skills you need might change.
This is the time to go all-in on building a mindset that can overcome challenging times. This is the time to admit what you’ve been trying to hide and get real with yourself. This is the time to rethink what work looks like and consider having a second income.
You can sell your skills to more than one bidder. You can work for several employers to diversify your risk or find a way to be helpful to a small audience and earn a little money on the side.
Those who refuse to change are going to get hit the hardest when the economic season moves in the opposite direction.

It’s time to radically cut your costs.

Having a buffer is key. Even if you think you’ve got plenty of money, you’ll probably need a softer cushion to land on when the economy changes.
Cut your costs more than you think you have to.
Do you really need all those subscriptions? Could you eat at home a little more? Could you pay off that credit card? Could you give gifts that are thoughtful rather than expensive?
If you cut your expenses too much you can always add them back again. A “just in case” mindset is a life-saver during an economic storm.
Don’t worry about how you look in front of your friends when you decide to cut costs. They too will be affected. It’s not the time to protect some fake image of yourself; it’s time to be smarter than you’ve ever been financially by cutting costs where you can.

It’s time to have a hard conversation with your bank.

Having worked in finance for many years, one mistake people make is not reaching out and asking for help. If you’re struggling financially now is the time to tell your bank or get professional advice.
Banks can help you get your finances together if you’re honest with them early on. There are payment plans and things they can do now to help you prepare. But when a lot more people are contacting their bank in 90 days it may not be so easy to get the help you need.
If you’re doing well financially, it’s time to ask your bank to cut their interest rates or waive some fees to help increase your buffer.

It’s time to sell something, or many things.

Selling stuff you don’t use anymore or don’t really need is a way to further increase your financial buffer.
It’s also a good way to practice entry-level minimalism and experience the freeing feeling of not letting your stuff own you.
You probably don’t need as much stuff as you think you do. Lighten your load and put the savings somewhere useful like in your investment portfolio.

Do whatever it takes

The part people will find the hardest is letting go.
Letting go of their image, their past, their idea of work, their old home, their stuff, their feelings, their potential ignorance of this situation.
You deal with what is coming by making a decision to do whatever it takes. You commit to the future, and to what counts: family, love, happiness, productive work you enjoy. Everything else isn’t so important.

There Is Either Huge Opportunity or Ruin Coming Your Way

I honestly hope that in the next 90 days you get to take advantage of the opportunities that will present themselves, rather than experience the ruin caused by ignorance.
There’s no need to pretend the worst has hit. The economic data, unemployment rates, challenges in the stock market, the continued risks of the health crisis, and the prior problems of the last 2008 recession are crystal clear for anybody who dares fire up their search engine and type a few keywords in like “money printing.”It is what it is.
We’re beyond debate now around what is coming.
Acceptance will set you free.
The greatest opportunity in the coming crisis is for you to not only survive adversity, but to perhaps discover the power of helping others through the storm. Anyone can figure out how to look after themselves. Looking after others is far more challenging and that’s the opportunity you’re about to come in contact with.
Get your plan together, reinvent yourself for the economic change, cut your costs, have the hard conversation with your bank, sell some stuff, and be prepared to do whatever it takes.

There is hope.

You will get through this if you accept what is coming and act now.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Botanical Gardens and Conservatory | Geneva | Switzerland

The Conservatory and Botanical Garden of the city of Geneva, a museum and an institution of the City of Geneva, was created in 1817.

The botanical garden includes a living collection of 14,000 species of 249 different families from around the world, and a historical herbarium of nearly 6 million botanical specimens.

The library of over 220,000 volumes Garden The garden is home to over 16,000 different species of plants (rockery, medicinal, horticultural…), trees and shrubs blooming at different seasons to ensure the all-year round feast for the eyes.

This large catalogue of greenery is spread out through different sectors such as the Greenhouses, Rockery, Arboretum and Winter Garden. If you would only have time for one of those, we strongly recommend the Winter Garden, built in 1913 and moved to its current location in 1935, it beholds a wide variety of tropical plants and fruits. Interesting fact, each plant are given a registration number to track their evolution through the stages of planting, transplanting and introduction to a collection.

The garden also incorporates a zoo dedicated to conservation and the Botanicum (a family space) near the lake.

From 1 January 2015, the Conservatory and Botanical Gardens became 100% organic, the first public garden in Switzerland to formally meet the standards of Bio Suisse.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Worst Things That Have Ever Happened To These Designs…

Bad design is one thing… but these epically HORRIBLE design fails really take “bad” to a whole new level.

1. That’s not how graph ratios…. or just math in general… work.

2. E-U-R-R-O-P-E??? Hahahaha

3. There’s no way this was an accident.

 4. “I didn’t choose the poo life, the poo life chose me.” -Tupac Shakur

 5. What a tragic way to display the beautiful mug of Matt Damon.

 6. OK…It’s clear!!! This pencil is on DRUGS!!!

Is this cap for aliens? Or i had my eyes placed wrong?

 You’ve NEVER seen Mexico like this before!!!

I mean, what is the deal with all these graphs…

 Being a part of the problem… not part of the solution.

  Nothing was ever successfully erased with this pencil.

Can somebody explain, what on Earth is it???

 Nothing says “health and safety” like the image of a family hanging…

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Top 10 Most Dangerous Countries In The World 2015

Peace is the only thing an individual demands to stay in any country but with the passage of time it becomes rare on the only living planet in universe, not just in developing countries but also in most developed one’s like United States and Russia.

What forces behind all these criminal and terror activities are still unknown or if anyone know, it might not possible to expose them. The factors which made country dangerous to live are Sexual Violence, high levels of trafficking and domestic servitude, homicides, terrorist activity, heavy weapon and nuclear capability among others.

Every country has losing its power and law enforcement agencies seems to unable to establish peace in the countries. Hoping that we succeeded to achieve the goal of peace in the world, we have listed most dangerous countries in the world.

10. Russia

Russia is the largest country in the world, officially known as Russian Federation which inhabited one-eighth of the Earth’s land area and with nearly 144 million people it is also the world’s ninth most populous nation. The country has considered as dangerous in the world following its increase in crime rate which has now declining but there is still a danger to live in the country due to drug trafficking, money laundering, murder for hire, human trafficking, terrorism, abduction and extortion.

9. Mexico

Mexico is a federal republic in North America, bordered with north of the United States. The fifth largest country in the Americas by total area is also the 13th major independent state and eleventh most populous in the world. Mexico is also known as drug state with increasing drug trafficking, however, law enforcement agencies trying to stop the trafficking but its roots have been spread all over united states. The other major crimes include Extortion, Kidnappings, pick pocketing, armed robbery and sexual violence which enlisted it in most dangerous countries in the world.

8. Pakistan

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a sovereign country in South Asia. Bordered by India, Afghanistan, Iran and China, it is the sixth most populous country with a population exceeding 180 million people. Crime in Pakistan has been present in several forms including black marketeering, money laundering, and political violence while some of crime which made it one of most dangerous countries includes terrorism, drug trafficking, extortion, abduction and robbery .

7. Iraq

West Asiain country is home to 95% Shia or Sunni Muslims of 36 million citizens present and one of leading oil states in the world. The Syrian Civil War has directly influence the country after American presence in Iraq which ended in 2011. The armed rebellion has made the country most dangerous among all other Asian countries as the fight between insurgents and armed forces led to killing of many of civilians including many of children and women as well. US-led coalition started operation against ISIS militants but still not succeeded to wipe out this armed group from Iraq.

6. USA

The multicultural country United States is the world’s fourth-largest country by total area while third-largest by population. World’s leading economic and super power also facing the criminal and terror activities in some of its states which made it dangerous country to live in the world. The crime rate has shown sharp increase after World War II which have been controlled by government forces and stabilized it a very low figure.The murder and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault while homicide is also one of violent crime exist in United States.

5. Sudan

The third largest country in the Africa Sudan is an Arab republic in the Nile Valley of North Africa. It is considered as one of extremely dangerous country in the world; the internal ethnic conflicts turned into long unrest in the country and thousands of people have been executed or killed in these attacks. The life security is close to zero in some of its areas which also affect the tourism in the state which now avoid visiting this country.

4. Afghanistan

Located within South Asia and Central Asia Afghanistan has a population of around 31 million people, the country has faced series of civil wars in history which devastated much of the state, first soviet union has tried to overrule the country then American security forces fought nearly 14 years against Taliban group. Some of major crimes which enrolled it in most dangerous countries in the world includes: corruption, kidnapping, drug trafficking, contract killings or assassinations.

3. Nigeria

The federal constitutional republic in West Africa Nigeria is referred as the Giant of Africa having large population with 174 million inhabitants making it most populous country in Africa and one of populous country in the world. The country is suffering from extreme sectarian violence since 2002 by militant group Boko Haram who want to establish Sharia law following Islamist movement in the state. Nigeria has seen thousands of victims every year because of continuous terror activities carried out by militants making it one of dangerous countries all around the world.

2. Somalia

Somalia is the country Horn of Africa and considered among the top most dangerous countries in the world, bordered with Ethiopia, Djibouti, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean, and Kenya. Somalia has the longest coastline on the continent’s mainland They have been defamed all over world for kidnapping and abduction for ransom of money while the theft, robberies, corruption and bribery are some of general criminal activities and one of the most vicious, unlegislated and poorest countries.

1. Syria

Syria is western Asia country which home to distinct ethnic groups like Arab, Greeks, Armenians, Assyrians, Kurds, Circassians, Mhallami, Mandeans and Turks. The Syrian civil war leads the country to violence and unrest in the country between ISIS militants and government armed forces. The state has no life security while thousands of citizens have been victimized by this war and millions left homeless, the US forces fighting with these radicals to remove them from Syria for a peaceful nation.

The Economic Season Is About to Drastically Change

I’m not one for panic. Having said that, it’s obvious we have been living in ignorant bliss. The real economic disaster hasn’t begun yet. In...